Brianne tagged me! I'm not sure why those I love/like feel the need to make me expose such things about me!
10 things that make me weird
1) I love mustard.....on everything! In fact a mustard sandwich is probably my all time favorite. I put it on my toast or bread in a very distinct pattern to ensure that all surfaces are covered.
2) I talk to myself when driving. I have the best conversations when no one else is there. I'm also VERY mean to poor unsuspecting bad drivers...I say VERY nasty things about what could be very nice little old people if they didn't have driver's licenses!
3) I am antisocial. I generally don't like to be in the company of others. In fact I really don't like people in general. I find most people to be entirely too false, stupid or imbalanced to waste time with. So why is it that I've chosen a customer service role at work?
4) I feel guilty spending money on anything other than groceries! Groceries is the only thing that I can spend outlandish amounts of moolah on and not think twice! So why is it that I'm always broke??
5) I love shoes. My name would be Imelda if I didn't have #4 as a weird thing about me!
6) I love the thought of adventure...but I will not try new things by myself. I need to have someone else to share in getting lost, breaking down on the highway or any of the other perils that could be associated with said adventure.
7)I have three kids but I don't like babies. I have little use for helpless little individuals. Bring a baby around and I will look at them, I will coo at them from a distance, but I don't get alot of pleasure from holding them, feeding them, changing them or otherwise! Hence the reason my children are all emotionally disturbed because I didn't pick them up out of their cribs till they were 4 years old and could speak in full sentences...just kidding!
8) I love the smell of magic markers, tape and play doh!
9) I hate spending money on undergarments! Most of my undergarments should be trashed but I won't spend money on replacing them so they remain the favored garment of the saintly....HOL(e)Y!
and last but not least....
10) I love Liver and Onions! I will order liver and onions at a restaurant if it's on the menu.
So, in review of my list there are some things that make me seem about you? Any weird things you'd like to tell us about?