Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ma Bell, You're killing me!

In a day and age where good customer service is often the only reason that a customer remains loyal, where choice of provider and choice of service option are ever'd think that making an effort to keep your customer base loyal would be a priority.

This morning I didn't think this was the case...Jennifer called me here at work and asked if there was any reason that the phone shouldn't be working. Clearly she was asking without asking "Mom, did you forget to pay the phone bill??". Poor, poor child, taken back to a less fortunate time when we never knew what might be turned off, when as a single mom I juggled the bills and put off paying things for as long as possible just to ensure that if anything totally horrible came up (like needing food, bus fare or diapers)we might have what was needed. There were some pretty close calls. Now, I know what you are thinking...OMG, what a bad parent! let me tell you they were close calls and although the credit rating is not perfect...I've had the same damn phone number since I moved to this town 15 years ago! so I'm not that bad!! ooops sorry about the rant!!

Anyway, I phoned repair department and was advised by their highly efficient, oversees call center operator that she would be happy to assist with my particular problem as long as I didn't mind waiting till Tuesday the 17th of October between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm and was there a phone number at which they could contact me to call me? EXCUSE ME? You have got to be kidding me was my only thought! 5 days without a landline??

After explaining to her that I didn't think that was a good answer to my concern, I was advised that her screen clearly dictated that Tuesday the 17th was the earliest that any service technician could assist me. "Would I be happy with that?" Well hell no I wasn't happy but clearly in her cubby somewhere on the other side of the ocean she really didn't give a shit!

I called the Phone companies customer service department, explained my dilemma and advised them that I was almost certain that I could get my problem addressed more quickly and when they asked how, I promptly told them I could get a new service provider hooked up tomorrow...

I want you to know that at NO time was I rude, I did not curse nor use my "Loud Mommy's pissed now" voice. I was calm, cool and collected but adamant that they needed to address my concern in a more timely fashion. The nice lady that lives in my part of the world actually agreed, escalated my concern and got me a repair appointment for tomorrow. That is much better and excellent customer service!

** 3:56 pm Thursday- Update, apparently they really love us! Phones are working again, we needed a new junction box on the house, the duct tape that the last repair guy used wasn't holding up anymore and the wasp nest wasn't helping either!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a Ma Bell story too!!! Should be posted by the end of today!!!


PS-Ouch about the previous post, I have taken some heat as well for things I rant about on my site, even though it is not in the best interests of everyone, it is my outlet to express happiness/frustration etc. Time heals everything, true friendships overcome everything, stay strong as I know you will... :)
Thumpety Thump

9:00 am  

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