Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Name: Linda
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 56 year young mother of 3 fabulous Daughters,a wife to one wonderful Husband and a Nana to one awesome Granddaughter and three super fantastic Grandsons!!! I work hard full time and play pretty hard the rest of the time.

- Sneak Peak
- Lovin' Hot Tubbin!
- Posts in.....posts out and other stuff
- Just the posts and nothing but the posts!!!
- Finally getting somewhere!
- No News is ....just that....NO NEWS!
- Just an update
- How can you make an appointment for this?
- Happy Birthday Aimee!!!
- Girls at the office

OK, that is scary, but really cool!
Yes, that is most definitely scary - makes one want to throw their cell phone away - fast!
Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my post. I used to take Nuerontin (which is gabupentin) prior to having surgery three years ago for the nerve pain in my left leg. It did work well but after awhile it started to mess up my vision a little bit so I really wanted to stop taking it. I also used to take a prescription anti-inflammatory called Lodine which worked really well, too, so maybe I need to see about getting back on that but I'm afraid that my insurance co-pay on that would be high, too. Thank goodness for Aleve because it does help some!
I think that health care is definitely a problem the world over and it just seems to be getting worse and worse. Something needs to give at some point!
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