Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wii.... isn't this fun!

Eldest daughter Jen wants to give boyfriend (read "the man who will save us all our sanity by marrying her") the Nintendo Wii for Christmas. Jen has been lovingly searching the stores for them with no luck. She has been attempting to win them on ebay with even less success. The Wii is an elusive bugger! Upon arrival in the stores they choose their new owners with no concern for who will care for them the best...first come first serve.

I have been trying to get in the Christmas spirit by listening to Christmas carols and one of only radio stations I get in the office is 97.3 FM. This radio station have been partnering with Winners (you know the Canadian version of TJ Max/Marshalls) to raise money for the needy by auctioning the elusive Wii. On the auction of 3 Wii systems they have raised more than $25,000. That's right 3 kind generous fools have bid on these machines that must bring mucho happiness and they have spent more than I pay in property taxes for these things! I have not been bidding. I did however, catch them when they said that Winners across Ontario would have systems in their store on the 18th of December. That's right Folks...Today!

Being the most best Mama Dukes, I offered to take Jen's credit card and go stand in line at 6am to try and get one at our local store. Driving past the store on my way to get my morning Timmies before settling into the cold line I noticed that there seemed to be quite a few people there and decided to drop in at get a status report. Much to my surprise the sign on the store said "We have 20 Wii systems in stock today" and the Manager was handing out tickets for them while another stock person crossed out the numbers until there would be no more available. This happened before 7 am.

That's right, I am the bestest Mom (okay me and 19 other very cold parents) and I got a ticket! I got ticket number 10. This meant that all I had to do was wait for the store to open at 9:30.

So this year Jen's man will get his game. Hopefully that makes him feel welcome into the family enough to ask Jen to be his wife and will Wii, Wii Wii her all the way home to his house.....Mama Dukes needs a bigger closet!


Blogger Aimee said...

Ah hahahahahaha

wii wii wii all the way to his house!! hahaha

10:26 pm  
Blogger MP said...

We got our's last year, ebay...it's really fun. Maybe he will be SO enamored that the "mother" got a line ticket that he will pay you a dowrey for your daughter!?!?

9:06 am  

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