Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Pss't Pss't a little number on the opponent

Our ladies pool team has always used a little pss't,pss't voodoo thing to hex the opponent in key places of games....8 times out of 10 it works! Usually, We aren't rude to anyone (not to their face), we don't say nasty things (at more than a whisper) and normally we are the team everyone likes! Last night our opponents were pissed that we were using this technique and after getting her ass kicked she stormed out of building and proceeded to complain about us to the entire crowd that was outside having a smoke. This provided at least 20 minutes of good laughing amongst the catty ladies on our team!

Another great example of the fun we have:

Last week, one of my teammates was playing a Richard Simmons glove wearing look alike guy (RSGWLAG) and we were making fun of him. We were quite nice about it, being quiet and such until he excused himself to go to the washroom.

#1 He did not remove his glove.
#2 He was back in less than 2 minutes
#3 He was not doing the usual wiping of hands to dry them on pants to extricate moisture.
#4 He still had the glove on!

This is where we got nasty!

Teammate #1- "Excuse me did you wash those hands when you were done?
RSGWLAG- "Well you know some moms teach their kids how to clean up after a mess and my mom taught me how not to make a mess!"
Me- "Well isn't that nice, but I'd really like to know how you got that thing out of your pants, to go, without touching it!"
RSGWLAG- stunned look on face....
just as I'd finished stating this...very tall bald guy comes out of washroom.....
Me- "Never mind, I guess he did it for you!(pointing to tall guy)

Both teams break out in laughter... RSGWLAG didn't hold it against us cause when some of us were out playing on another team last night he came by to say hi!

It's all in good fun! They got their revenge by kicking our sarcastic asses 68-32! Ah, it's just a game and you win some and lose some...not a problem as long as you are having a great time!

Our sarcastic nature will never is who we are!

p.s. Aimee-2 days in a row...what have you done lately, Miss Once a Week Blogger?



Blogger Colleen said...

That was way too funny last night!!! What a sore loser...I mean seriously...I would never blame someone else for my loss...I'd just throw chalk at them!!!

9:31 pm  
Blogger B said...

extricate---i'm pretty sure that you win blog of the week for incorporating that word into your post

i got one of those word-of-the-day desk calendars yesterday and i'm going to see if i can incorporate the word of the day in my posts.

wow...that made sound really lame lol

but other than that--people that don't know how to use that waist high piece of porcelin with the knobs so when you turn them, water comes out, pretty much grosses me out.

i'd take a person that does a quick rinse if they're soap-a-phobics/too damn lazy over someone that walks in and right back out

10:49 pm  
Blogger MP said...

Nice comeback w/ the bald guy. Did you ever hear the joke about the waiter and the spoon? lol.

How do you pay pool if you are a team? The only thing I've ever played was 8 ball or stripes and solids.

9:25 am  

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