Thursday, February 02, 2006

Stop the Train I Wanna Get Off!!!!

How much madness can one person survive before they feel the need to seek out the nearest firearm and blow off their own kneecaps!

I've always felt that my appreciation of all things good and nice and organized would bring a sense of comfort and joy to my world. Kind of like the 3 Wise Men to the Baby know what I mean. It would come to me because I practice all of these things in my work environment. I am good and I get things done for my clients (when I have too)...I am always nice to them (to their face) and organization is just a skill that enables me to chase down and point out other peoples short comings, kind of like hunting without automatic weapon.

This new job is killing my sense of humour! I used to I cry! I used to I scream. Once upon a time I had nice hair, oh wait that was the 80's and it was of course a matter of opinion on whether it was nice. I used to smile....and now the stress is causing me to clench my teeth so much my pearly whites are loosening at the root, requiring dental surgery and more!

I need to find a new way to relax and enjoy the moment. Perhaps huge amounts of Jack and this time I'm referring to our friend in the bottle! Hell any suggestions?

So if the postings don't seem so funny and the smile doesn't seem so bright, well clearly you'll understand!


Blogger Aimee said...

Hey mama Dukes,

Relax!! You stress out too much. It's only work, it's not your life.

Every time you get really cranky, look at the picture of hunny doodle all wet and think about how cute she is. That helps me :)

Or, better yet, think of how wonderful I am, and send me an email all about the horrible things you have to deal with at work. We can bitch together. We are good at that.

See you tomorrow
kisses & hugs

6:44 pm  

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