Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm not sure if I can keep this resolution!

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

To not care what people think about me.

Get your resolution here

So this resolution came from a mere click of a button. The real resolution is that there is no resolution!

I really hate resolutions! Everyone always throws them in your face if/when you are unsuccessful. So I just don't do them! I do set goals and I've set some personal goals for this year. I have two weddings in September. I am "Matron of Honour" (damn that makes me sound old!) in both of them. It's an honour, it truly is, but my picture will not be taken at my current weight if I can help it. I've done the before picture, so when I'm all skinny, you'll be seeing my skinny ass on some commercial that says "Hi, that was me 300 pounds ago!" and you'll be thinking.."THAT IS NOT THE SAME PERSON!" I know that's what I always say when I see those commercials! Anyway that is my personal goal and frankly I'll have no one to blame but my own self if I don't succeed!

Another goal I've set is to try and be kinder to the stupid people in my life. That one is gonna be a little tougher, I have a lot of stupid people in my life. People that push the line between playmate and primate if you know what I mean! I'm also gonna try and be nicer to my neighbours this year...oh wait they count as stupid people so same difference I guess.

So to all of you that are out there making/breaking resolutions for the upcoming year, Good Luck with your resolve! I promise I won't tease you if you share your resolution with me! I promise to be kind and supportive and not tease you mercilessly if you don't succeed! Hell I'm gonna need all the resolve I can muster to meet my goals for the year!!


Blogger Aimee said...


my resolution said that I am going to stop exercising and stop checking my email at 3:00 in the morning. I think I can keep at least one of those!! oh wait...I guess I should start exercising first...

12:30 am  
Blogger Amy said...

I hate resolutions too, Linda. It seems i have the same resolutions every year, so how good am i keeping them if they have to be carried over, year after year?

Good luck with being kinder to the stoopid people. That is a hard one.

8:47 pm  

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