Friday, December 23, 2005

Bah Humbug and other usual Christmas Rantings

Okay, I'm at work with the 2 new people that had to come in cause they don't get holidays since they only started 3 weeks ago, Tracy and Michael cause they are dedicated employees that choose to celebrate the season in the office (I trained them well!) and maybe one or two others that because of client contractual obligations had to come in!

In other words the office is FRICKING QUIET! No Christmas carols, no Baileys Breakfast, no pancake brekky! What the hell is the matter with us!

In my new role with the company my job is to manage client guess is they expect me to be at home celebrating my new basement with my loving family, not sitting here blogging about all the shit I still have to do because I AM A DUMBASS!

All this basement crap has left me a little behind in the Christmas department. Okay, lets be honest, fuck me, I have virtually no Christmas shopping done! Thankfully the kids want clothes and since they are all various shapes, sizes and tastes we agreed that we would take advantage of the post-Christmas sales and shop after Christmas. So today, I will venture to the local Wal-Mart/Zellers whatever and get the stocking stuffers that will bring all the joys that Santa brings. Since we agreed that there would be no regular gifts under the BEAUTIFUL tree in ouf FABULOUS basement I agreed that Santa would wrap all the damn stocking stuffers! Another big FUCK ME! What the hell was I thinking leaving this shit for the day before Christmas Eve? It was like I woke up one day with a penis and testicles, because we all know only men are that disorganized!

Anyway, ranting over! Let the shopping begin!


Blogger MP said...

Happy Belated Boxing Day, whatever that is :0)
I'm enjoying the quite phones and the lack of stupid people wanting product shipped across the country in a day. I'm sure after the 1st it will be back to stupidity.

4:37 pm  

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