Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's All Good?

It's all good has been a favorite saying for me in this last decade of my life. Not sure where I picked it up. I have a tendency to do that...pick up a phrase or word that I like and make it my own! Kind of like Fabulous! That I picked up from a friend and coworker and I have learned to use it even when things are not so fricking fabulous!

This past week has been an adventure in "FUBAR" Things in the workplace have not been great, managing client expectations is not always easy when you don't have the support from your operations people behind you! Things on the homefront have been for lack of a better word...."CRAZY".
We have been down to one vehicle since Christmas. The old van was making very loud cries to go to the local auto spa! We spent all of Christmas and till now determining if it was worth fixing and after much deliberation with Mike the Mechanic, the van got her wish...into the spa to get a much massage complete with oil and filter so to speak.
Lovely daughter #3 Brianne has been spending her time bugging Dad about getting her bellybutton pierced. So far we've managed to evade the actual piercing. The only shop we would even consider using has had their piercing gal has been away. When she actually gets back we'll have to see what happens. I'm reminded everyday that I let Aimee do it at 15! It's hard to explain to the baby that her sister was much more mature than her! Brianne is in her last week of semester one (grade 10) and trying my very patience! She has not cracked a book all semester to my knowledge. I am constantly on her ass about getting good grades. Her mid term report was less than impressive but she managed to keep mostly everything in the 65-70% area. Scholarly she is not. She is,however, a really good kid! She's respectful, she's funny and she's generally easy to be around (except when we are fighting about school or piercings). Anyway, this week is exams and she only has one. She tells me she's been studying for two weeks in class. I highly doubt that, but hey, if her marks haven't improved we've already set the tone for next semester. We've set down the guidelines and she will have to live by them!
Husband has been getting to know his biological Mom. That has made things kind of interesting and emotional around the house. His Mom seems very nice. She is a healthcare worker in a retirement home. She's a widow and has two other sons. So, Hubby has two half brothers. One of the boys has two little girls (4&6), so that makes him an uncle. All very new things to him! I guess the next step will be an in person meeting and the very thought of that makes Rob squirm just a little. This will wait until spring. To give everyone involved some time to get used to this.
Aimee is alive and doing her blog for more details, since she tells it better than I ever could.
Jennifer, the kid that doesn't blog is still in love, broke and doing very well in her studies. She actually got herself a part time job to give her some income besides the paltry amount I'm able to dish out to her. She attended a job fair and met up with two of my baby brother's work associates (actually a past boss and his present one) and they offered to speak to her in April about job opportunities with their school board! That is a huge bonus! Very exciting for her! She's looking for some extra $'s to take two more courses. I guess for the good of her employment future, I'm gonna see what I can do to get some of it together for her.

The new puppy has added a tremendous amount of enjoyment to our household. She is getting along famously with Kilo! Kilo is working hard to train little Hunny. But along with this comes the need to remember that you almost need to babyproof the house. I came home one day this week to garbage all under my dining room table! That was fun!

All in's all good!


Blogger Aimee said...

If things weren't "crazy" as you like to call it...what would we have? Honestly, abnormal in our life has become normal, so get used to it!

Brianne will never be scholarly, Jen will always be broke and yet successful, and me...well I'm not changing either (but in my case it's a good thing, haha).

Hunny is cute. She makes mistakes, but how can you not forgive a cute face like hers?

Buck up mama dukes. Life is good.

- DD#2

9:36 pm  

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