Day 2-MP's Request
MP asked for a picture of me as a child and my daughter Aimee had some pictures scanned that show me as a young child. This particular picture brought back such happy memories for me I thought that I would use it.
Every year at Christmas, my Mom (the good looking chick with the fancy hairdo) would dress me up in Sunday best and take me into the big city of Toronto. We would go and see all the front display windows decked out with wonderful Christmas scenes at the big department store. We would then get to have our picture taken with Santa! I have pictures of us for many years and with each picture you could see the evolution of both hair and clothes fashion. My Mom was a hairdresser and she always had the best hairdos! This particular year I'm wearing a matching sweater and hat set that I'm positive my Grandmaman made for me. My Grandmaman was the most talented knitter/crocheter (are those even words???) I don't think I've ever seen nicer work! I have some of the pieces that she made for my brother and my girls as babies tucked away for them when they have little ones...since I don't knit or crochet!
I figure this must be 1965 or 1966 (I'm probably 2 or 3 years old). I think I was pretty cute ,kind of looked like a boy, but I was cute!!.

Are you playing?
Every year at Christmas, my Mom (the good looking chick with the fancy hairdo) would dress me up in Sunday best and take me into the big city of Toronto. We would go and see all the front display windows decked out with wonderful Christmas scenes at the big department store. We would then get to have our picture taken with Santa! I have pictures of us for many years and with each picture you could see the evolution of both hair and clothes fashion. My Mom was a hairdresser and she always had the best hairdos! This particular year I'm wearing a matching sweater and hat set that I'm positive my Grandmaman made for me. My Grandmaman was the most talented knitter/crocheter (are those even words???) I don't think I've ever seen nicer work! I have some of the pieces that she made for my brother and my girls as babies tucked away for them when they have little ones...since I don't knit or crochet!
I figure this must be 1965 or 1966 (I'm probably 2 or 3 years old). I think I was pretty cute ,kind of looked like a boy, but I was cute!!.

Are you playing?
OK..I must disect this picture.
Your mother is/was a ROCK STAR..that hair, the coat..the smoky look..nice purse..
Linda: So sweet, wide eyed..innocent, cute little crocheted outfit.. Darling..
But WTF is up with Santa Clause. Click on the picture and look at his eyes.. He's Evil Drunk Santa..or something like that.
Thanks for sharing!!
Wow I remember those windows It was our first visit to Santa.How young we looked Life is good.Mom
Look at you too...mama is smoking hot. I remember going downtown with my mom seeing all the windows, Santa and lunch. It was a real expereince, too bad they have let it go those windows are no where close to what they use to be.
The 50's 60's and even a bit of the 70's...really seemed like better times.
Thanks for the flashback.
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