Friday, April 11, 2008

News from afar

Got an email the other day from one of my favorite Aunt's. It was just a quick email saying Hi and asking how we were doing. Nothing special you say....well I beg to differ! This to me is like sunshine on a cloudy day! You can't even imagine how happy I was to get even a little news from someone that was so special to me growing up.

I know I've talked about spending each summer with my Maternal Grandmother and all of my Aunts and Uncles and cousins. The memories of those summers sometimes overwhelm me! They are both good and SAD! Good because they were a time when our family was very close! Everyone hung out, camped, socialized together as a great big family unit. I remember going to Tante Diane and Oncle Roger's house in town and hanging out with their family. That's where I learned about putting vinegar on plain chips! My Oncle Roger had a wonderful deep laugh that always made me want to hug him. My Tante Diane always took away the feeling of homesickness! She has the best smile and a real strong hug!! Their girls were my two of my favorite cousins! Joanne and I were close in age and we got along well! Lissa was younger and she tagged along and she had a smile that just beamed! I don't know, maybe I was just young and this is how I saw it. It's sad now because I haven't had much communication with anyone in many years. In fact this is the first time I've heard directly from anyone in the family besides a few emailed jokes since my Maternal Grandmother passed away. I've gotten all of my news second hand from my Mom.

It was nice getting that email. It makes me want to plan a holiday up north...

I invited my Tante Diane to come visit me on my if you are reading this Tante Diane....I want to thank you for all of the wonderful memories!! My summers spent up north with all of you will be cherished memories forever! Je t'aime beaucoups!!


Blogger Beware: Social Worker on the edge said...

Ohhh I love the vinegar on plain chips...yummm.

I trip up north sounds nice.

9:29 am  
Blogger MP said...

That is so sweet...and I love "Tante" reminds me of that Santa Clause movie.. Is that French?

11:29 am  

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