Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Rewards are fun! (Even when it's other people getting them!)

Today I heard some amazing news that made me really warm and fuzzy! Someone that I have always liked, (never really had an opportunity to get to know that well)is embarking on the journey of a lifetime! I guess the reason it touched me so much that this person is experiencing this is because I have watched from the sidelines as this young,intelligent,beautiful girl has blossomed into a VERY bright, intelligent beautiful women, despite some pretty tough history that she chose to share with me one day on a short drive. When I spoke with her she explained it was their reward for hard work and sacrifice and can I tell you SHE deserves it! I had the opportunity to work with her and I can honestly say it was a pleasure. Anyway enough background now the funstuff! B&K (her hubby) are leaving for a 10-11 month trip around the world! HOW EXCITING IS THAT! I can only imagine the sites that they will see and experiences that they will share with people they meet along the way and with each other! For me, in my own little reality, I will live vicariously through her postings..I hope there will be many!
Other fun news....I bought the joys in my life (the daughters) their birthday presents for 2005. Once again the three of us will be doing a one day joint exciting adventure of our own!(just a little closer to home) We are going to experience Sylvia Browne! If you don't know who Sylvia Browne is then you won't understand and if you do know who she is....are you feeling the excitement!!!! I couldn't keep it to myself, I had to share with them! It was an early present for both of them but now the three of us have something to dream and giggle about whenever we want! So very fun!
Rewards are fun! So for all my friends and family, and anyone else that may come across this posting....Work hard and remember REWARDS ARE FUN when truly deserved!


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