Thursday, January 04, 2007

No, not at all!

Last night we booked our trip and I've been kind of planning things in my head ever since, you know, lists and shit! What to bring, what not to bring (but I bought him a ticket so I guess he's gotta come...teehee!) that kind of thing.

Anyway, shortly after booking the trip I had to leave for my annual visit to the sleep clinic, where they determine if I'm gonna continue breathing another night. When you book the appointment with this private sleep clinic they give you an arrival time so that you don't sit around waiting for too long. In the past there have never been more than one person waiting at the same time as me. Last night....5! Two fricking people working and 6 people to be processed! My initial thought was...not a problem, not like I'm going anywhere, but after about 40 minutes I was pissed! My arrival time was booked for 9:45 pm. This was planned this way because I normally go to bed around 10 pm on a work night and I figured I would need the extra 15 minutes to get wired up etc.. So upon arrival I took my medication (the medication for epilepsy that I don't have, that makes me soooo sleepy inside of 15 minutes) When the clock chimed 11 pm and I still wasn't in the spa like room with warm and toasty blankets all around me, I kind of had a meltdown! I was tired and cranky and not at all happy with the way things were going. I was quickly taken into my little spa room and the nice lady explained that they were a little busy and that some of the nice people hadn't arrived at their scheduled times and this had therefore delayed my appointment. Fine, Let's get on with it so I can go to sleep was all I had to say!

They start off by asking a survey of questions on your general health and well being since the last visit and the first question to which I answered "No, not at all!" was....

Do you find yourself irritable at times?

After I answered, she kind of giggled and when I thought about my answer...I laughed out loud and changed my answer to "okay maybe, but only when other dumbasses mess with my bedtime!"


Blogger Colleen said...

Absolutely NOT...and that goes for me too!!!


See you tonight!!!

9:20 am  

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