Mom the "Artiste"
My Mom is probably the most creative person I know in this whole entire world! She has always been the creative genius in our family! She's very inspiring to me and my girls!
Mom's talents flow in everything she does! When my baby brother was born, my Mom created for him a "Peanuts" bedroom, complete with giant Snoopy and his doghouse and Charlie Brown all done over bright primary colour walls. Mom was ahead of her time!! One year we got a bathroom makeover. It was pure 70's genius. It was developped based on black and white print wallpaper that had nekid people all over it...Mom even took that design and painted it on the bathroom vanity! Where some would only cut out the picture from the wallpaper...not my Mom! She had TALENT. She could paint and everything she created was beautiful! We always had Mom's artwork in our home, her oil paintings of beautiful landscapes, her ceramic Saint Nicholas/Kris Kringles whatever those Santa's from all over the world were called. Mom always had the best decorated house at any holiday time. Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving all beautifully decorated. Her best holiday season in my opinion was Christmas!
For many years my Mom would support her artistic genius by participating in or even hosting a craft sale. For months, she and her lady friends would create absolutely lovely items that she would sell for a fraction of their true value. Christmas ornaments that had been handcrafted and painted, ceramic nativity scenes, 3 WiseMen created out of bottles, gold linens and bobbles. Their annual Christmas craft sale became one of the most popular events of the year in our neighbourhood and people from all around town would come out for the 2 day event!
My Mom started a tradition when I brought my brood home. Every Christmas, Mom would present each of my girls with the most beautiful ornament for the Christmas tree. Eventually, I had to insist that she include me in this wonderful tradition because although our tree was getting full, I would soon be ornament free when the girls moved to homes of their own and insisted on taking their ornaments with them! These were handcrafted "Made with love" ornaments that my girls still to this day cherish and each year as we decorate our tree we talk about our memories of Christmas' past.
Everything my Mom created was "Made with Love"! Her love of creating and her love for us came through in every ornament and creation!
I miss my Mom at Christmas time and as I sit here typing this with misty eyes...I hope the weather is good in their part of the country

and that She knows just how much I miss her even though I'm not the sentimental type!
I love you Mom! Merry Christmas!
Mom's talents flow in everything she does! When my baby brother was born, my Mom created for him a "Peanuts" bedroom, complete with giant Snoopy and his doghouse and Charlie Brown all done over bright primary colour walls. Mom was ahead of her time!! One year we got a bathroom makeover. It was pure 70's genius. It was developped based on black and white print wallpaper that had nekid people all over it...Mom even took that design and painted it on the bathroom vanity! Where some would only cut out the picture from the wallpaper...not my Mom! She had TALENT. She could paint and everything she created was beautiful! We always had Mom's artwork in our home, her oil paintings of beautiful landscapes, her ceramic Saint Nicholas/Kris Kringles whatever those Santa's from all over the world were called. Mom always had the best decorated house at any holiday time. Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving all beautifully decorated. Her best holiday season in my opinion was Christmas!
For many years my Mom would support her artistic genius by participating in or even hosting a craft sale. For months, she and her lady friends would create absolutely lovely items that she would sell for a fraction of their true value. Christmas ornaments that had been handcrafted and painted, ceramic nativity scenes, 3 WiseMen created out of bottles, gold linens and bobbles. Their annual Christmas craft sale became one of the most popular events of the year in our neighbourhood and people from all around town would come out for the 2 day event!
My Mom started a tradition when I brought my brood home. Every Christmas, Mom would present each of my girls with the most beautiful ornament for the Christmas tree. Eventually, I had to insist that she include me in this wonderful tradition because although our tree was getting full, I would soon be ornament free when the girls moved to homes of their own and insisted on taking their ornaments with them! These were handcrafted "Made with love" ornaments that my girls still to this day cherish and each year as we decorate our tree we talk about our memories of Christmas' past.
Everything my Mom created was "Made with Love"! Her love of creating and her love for us came through in every ornament and creation!
I miss my Mom at Christmas time and as I sit here typing this with misty eyes...I hope the weather is good in their part of the country

and that She knows just how much I miss her even though I'm not the sentimental type!
I love you Mom! Merry Christmas!
Very Nicely Said!!!
Hugs to you.
Love ya Mom
Major AWWWWW you made me have teary eyes.
My mom is uber talented too...we have great works all over the place.
I hope you and your family have a very merry christmas! I just got caught up on your blogs...I know, I've been slacking, but finals week almost killed me.
But be proud of your American daughter...because she got her report card and she got straight A's!!!!
I love you all!!
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