Girls, Girls, Girls

Girls, Girls, Girls
Posted by Hello
Yay, I have just posted my first picture! I decided to post the most recent picture of the DD's and I (old one in the back, just in case you weren't sure).
When Hubby (Brave soul that he is!) married into our family (6 wonderful years ago)he was given the responsibility of sharing in the raising of the youngest DD. She quickly took on her new Daddy's love of very alternative (head banging punk stuff) music, bad movies and junk food! Brianne is the light of all our lives! She's funny and has a laugh that whenever you hear it you just can't help thinking..."Wow, that kid sounds happy!" She deeply loves her older sisters and continously chases them down for "Sister, Sister" nights of girly movies, gossip and junk food. When she was in Kindergarden she lost everything! (She still isn't so good at hanging on to her stuff) One winter she lost 6 pairs of mitts and 3 hats. After the loss of the last hat, we as loving caring parents threatened her that if she lost another hat we were permantly attaching it to her head with crazy glue. This unfortunately led to her first whopper story! Miss Brianne went to school and returned with no hat...this is the conversation that ensued when she returned home that afternoon
ME: Bri, where is your hat?
Bri: Mommy, it's not my fault! Please don't crazy glue a hat to my hair! It's the seagulls fault! Really it is!
Me: Huh, what do you mean the seagulls fault?
Bri: (tears welling in eyes) The seagull Mom! Really it took my hat!
Me: Brianne, really you lost your hat again! Seriously what happened? TELL ME THE TRUTH!
Bri: MOMMY I AM TELLING THE TRUTH! (tears flowing!) We were outside at recess and the seagull swoopded down and tooked it right off my head!
The hat has never been found, Brianne has never gotten the hang of telling the whooper stories and DH has enjoyed his experience in fatherhood.
The older girls and I grew up at the same time. I was very young when I met and married their father and found myself divorced when the girls were still very young. Their bio-father has been out of the picture for many years and so we only had each other!
Jenny (DD#1)is my firstborn and she is a wonderful young lady! She's just finished her Honours Degree in Science and will continue on to get her Degree in Education to become a high school Math and Science teacher. Jen is loving and caring and very much a girly girl! She is a wonderful big sister, daughter and friend.
Aimee (DD#2)is my middle daughter. She recently finished up her third year in an honour Degree program in Science (Biology/Psychology and minoring in Chemistry)and has managed to maintain her place on the Dean's Honour roll with grades of above 80 in all subjects! She is extremely bright and has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up! She is very funny and her perspective on our life can be found at Aimee's blog.
I am truly proud of my three Darling Daughter's. Despite the challenges of being raised by a sometimes bumbling dumbass such as myself they have managed to become really good people!
Anyway, thanks to the syncronization of the female body,(everybody is cranky at the same time)my dearest hubby only needs to hide in a corner, pretend to play dead or smile and wave for one crazy week! Feminine products add up to at least one weeks pay in our household. So big Cheers! for Kim's review of products!
Ahhh, so great!
All of you look fantastic.
Mama and her babies.
Aww mom, you just can't stop talkin about us huh? One of these days, I'll do an entire post all about YOU!! But if I say anything that could be taken offensively, first I didn't mean it, and second, warn me so I can hide from the wrath of mommy!! haha, just kidding.
You know, I see a picture that is very similar to this one every time I walk into your office and you know what? I never get tired of looking at it because you guys are just awesome. I know that I might not get a chance to say it in between our conversations centering around GJ's and m3's but I think you are a great mom and your girls are awesome too! :)
Your relationships are truely to be admired and I hope that as my own wonderful daughter grows up, we too will be this close. Linda, you inspire me!!!
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