Thursday, May 19, 2005

Today's Horoscope

Today's Horoscope...
This is the right moment, Linda, to extricate yourself from relationships that you feel have seen their day. This won't be easy to do but you must. In both your professional and private life, you are too hesitant to get out of situations or obligations that are distasteful to you. You are afraid of hurting people or of making them mad. But, in the end, you are hurting yourself. Give more importance to your own needs, and follow your own path.
brought to you by

This must be true it came addressed to me, has my name in it and I think they must really know me.......

I mean really let's pick it apart and see.

a)"must extricate oneself from relationship that has seen it's day". Yup I know exactly what relationship they are talking's gotta be the one that I have with my vehicle. Truly the damn van has seen its day. The weather is getting nice and although DH spent hours spit shining it on the weekend it's just not shining like it used to! I am spending a lot of time fantasizing about owning a vehicle that was fashioned sometime in the 2000's. We all know that relationships are over when you can't help thinking about another vehicle that has all its working components.

b)"it won't be easy, but you must". True it won't be easy! I'm trying to figure out how much I can afford to pay each month to satisfy my fantasy! I hate the idea of having to make monthly payments on a vehicle again. The current vehicle has been payment free for at least 4 years. It won't be easy, but I must!

c)"hesitant about getting out of a relationship in both professional and private life"...not sure about this one..I mean lots of changed jobs and I am on relationship/marriage #3. Hmm, maybe it's not me! Then again, I would hate for "Dustbuster" to breakdown on me on the way home because she's been reading this blog and knows how I truly feel! Maybe I should just keep the van and swelter away this summer with no air conditioning and windows that don't work...No Dammit,You can only hide for so long until something has to go!

d)"afraid of hurting people or making them mad"..yup it was meant for me! I hate hurting people and I don't want anyone to be mad. But wait, do Chev Lumina "Dustbusters" have feelings? Who am I trying to kid...of course they do! I mean just this morning I was fantasizing about the 2005 Nissan Quest in front of me on the highway and "Dustbuster"'s signal light stopped working causing me to frighten the crap out of the poor Toyota I moved in front of with what seemed like no warning! I know I frightened them because of the hand signals that I got while merging on to the highway and trying to extricate the Toyota from the bumper it was attached to! Some are just so touchy!

Okay, well I think we proved that some horoscopes are written specifically for you and this one is MINE!

Off to fantasize about the cute little Chev Uplander pulling into the parking lot!

Have a great Thursday! TTYL


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