Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Home Improvements Stage 1

This weekend was a long one for us here in Canada. For many, the goal of the long weekend is to get away from the hectic day to day toils of every day life by packing up and going away to camp or cottage. For others, like me...., we head out to the Home Depot and pick up enough paint and supplies to fill the weekend with work, work and more work! Friday afternoon ended with much excitement, it was Friday after all and it was payday and it was Friday before a 3 day long weekend! All of these things amount to excitement in my book! To make it even more exciting was the sheer pleasure of seeing my husband working his ass off! There is something about seeing a man sweat over the labour inflicted by me that makes me tingle! Friday evening was an evening of rest and relaxation.

Saturday morning we were up early and out the door to buy paint and supplies to complete the renovation on two rooms of the house. Husband insisted the upstairs bathroom would be his starting point....I, however,decided that my dining room was the project that would be of great importance. The room that all visitors would see upon walking in my front door. We arrived at HD and quickly got exactly what was required, after all Aimee and I had preplanned the entire house...it was a matter of where to start. Behr Rug Brown (like melted chocolate for the walls!) for the dining room and Distant Thunder (DARK blue Grey) for the upstairs bathroom. It was decided that both rooms would be accented in Decorator white, something to add crispness and contrast to these dark colours.

Once home, we quickly dove into the home improvement mode and began prepping both rooms, puttying, sanding, taping and primering. So much excitement in the air on the main floor but it was soon overcome by the flooding of moaning and groaning coming from Donk upstairs in the room he WANTED to do first....Bathrooms are difficult, I'll give him that! But dammit, it could have been left for last! That's the way I would have done it, all the rooms that are viewed by visitors and the rooms where we spend the majority of our time, but no....he WANTED the upstairs bathroom. Aimee even offered herself up in sacrifice to help him out and can I tell you he sooooo took advantage of her offer the lazy sod! (so much for fantasies!) Aimee offered herself up to sand walls and cut primer in the upstairs washroom so that husband would do the repair work required on the ceiling in the dining room. Yes...you guessed it..the moaning and groaning quickly spread. Let's face it Rob is not the handyman type. He'd rather be riding his bike,taking the dog to the leash free zone or drinking beer...nope, not the handyman type. After all was said and done, the ceiling got the repair it required, all the prep work was done and stuff was put away at the end of the day in preparation for actual painting on Sunday. The girls and I treated ourselves to subs and the Drive-in on Saturday night. Rob treated himself to beer and the TV. (his recreation of choice)
Sunday was painting day! Up with the sun, quick coffee and breakfast and the painting began. Rob was in a much better mood, partially because the nasty prep work was done and partially because he was well rested and could see an end in sight. Rob finished his room quickly and was quick to clean up his mess and make plans to invite a friend over to drink more beer and relax in our backyard.
Aimee's boyfriend finished work around 2 and came over to roll the walls in the dining room. He did a fab job! Both rooms are absolutely fabulous!

We finished Sunday off with a BBQ feast (My way of saying THANK YOU for all your help to anyone that helped out!)of Ribs and Chicken.
Monday was spent putting furniture back and cleaning the house...all in all a good productive weekend! I will post pictures when the rooms are totally redecorated with pictures on walls etc...
Next project.....hmmmm, we'll think about that and let you know!


Blogger Colleen said...

I'm sooo jealous. I would do anything to get the rest of our house painted...but NOOOOO says Neil. However, I guess I should choose my battle wisely...I'd much rather spend the money of the air conditioner we still don't have but was promised than bother him to finishing re-painting the house!!!

I bet it looks great!!!

12:54 pm  
Blogger Beware: Social Worker on the edge said...

I seriously need my house painted too. I am so sick and tired of looking at that buliders primer.

9:27 am  

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