Thursday, November 09, 2006

Check Engine Light

Last night I got a surprise call from my Dad. Apparently they had not left for Florida on November 1st. Reason: Dad's not been feeling great and he needed to get that under control before he left to the land of costly health coverage. He's been to Dr.'s, hospital, tests etc and I just found out about it! I'm a bad, bad daughter!!! How could they not have left and he have been so under the weather and me not know about it? We're a close family, is all I have to say! This example of family togetherness may also explain part of the reason I'm also a bad Sister/sister in law/auntie etc..I haven't seen that part of the family in almost two years!

Enough with the guilt already! I can't take it anymore. My friend having ability was called into question last month and this month, my family having ability.

Anyway, the reason Dad called was to update me on the name of the new service manager, remind me to have my oil changed regularly and also that the upcoming 96,000km checkup would cost me a fortune (for advance planning of course, so I could put the kids out on their street corners to start earning their keep!)and that he was still the best Dad in the world and was going to help me out with that cost! We discussed the value of bringing the van in to the dealership for an overpriced/appointment required oil change vs. the cheaper faster no appointment necessary Jiffy Lube type deal. He's my Dad, he's had a lot of vehicles and clearly he probably knows best.


The Van is used to having Dad as an owner and this morning as soon as I got my coffee at the local Timmies, the "Check Engine" light came on. The van wanted to visit the dealership and therefore I obliged and off to the dealership we went.

Phillip at the dealership knew Dad by name and VIN #. I think Dad must have told him he'd whispered to the van sweet reminders of the shop that serviced it on a usual basis and that we'd be in. Didn't matter to Phillip that the light was on....APPOINTMENT REQUIRED!!!

So, we're driving with the light on and going in at 8 am tomorrow morning and while we're there we're getting an oil change and getting friendly with the service manager so he knows my VIN # too!

Mom and Dad, drive carefully did leave today didn't you???

Be safe, be well and I really dooooo looove you both TONS!!!


Blogger Aimee said...

Oh the guilt of trying to be a good daughter/family member/person. We do what we can, but we weren't born perfect, and last I checked we have a long way to go before we get our wings.


7:44 pm  
Blogger Boobaloo said...

I feel for you. I have a close family too and tend to take for granted that they know that as well, any time something comes up and I'm the last to find out about it, it hurts my feelings. Sometimes, being close, we forget to communicate. I hope your dad is feeling better soon, and good luck with the van.

6:27 am  
Blogger Boobaloo said...

lol Linda, that (and this) comment was from me (Kim) and not Boobaloo, boobaloo is my daughter Anna, I forgot to sign out of her name...

6:28 am  

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